
[last updated October 2023]

General (user) Disclaimer

The Aussie Farm Stays Directory, found at https://aussiefarmstays.com.au/farm/ is made available by Aussie Farm Stays ABN 96 634 561 357 (‘Aussie Farm Stays’), of Fortitude Valley Queensland 4006 for you for your convenience and general information only. This website is made available subject to this disclaimer, our website terms of use https://aussiefarmstays.com.au/terms-and-conditions/, and our privacy policy https://aussiefarmstays.com.au/privacy-policy/

Our Aussie Farm Stays Directory (containing links to external sites, Linked Sites) is found on this website and connects farm stay service providers, along with farm-stay-related-experiences, with potential clients. It is a free website tool for use by any farm stay enthusiast by listing all the farm stays in one online place.

Where selecting any of the high risk or physical activity options, such as horse riding, farm tours, animal feeding or other activities, you agree to do your own research and seek advice from your health professional to determine what activity might be suitable for you.

Any physical activity with large animals carries risks, including significant risks such as death. You agree to undertake any activity at entirely your own risk and Aussie Farm Stays cannot be held responsible for any injury, including psychological or physical, that you may suffer by undertaking any of the physical activities listed on this website.

Aussie Farm Stays does not provide any warranty, guarantee or claim regarding the products and services provided listed in our online directory. You must contact the farm stay or business provider yourself regarding any claim you may have when engaging their services.

All content, materials, blogs, resources, this website and Linked Sites are provided for your use and enjoyment and general information only. These should NOT be used to replace or substitute for medical or mental health advice, and its use is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or mental health condition or replace care from any treating health care professional. You must seek independent professional health advice from your health practitioner before deciding to undertake any new physical activity.

Information which is submitted through our contact and/or enquiry pages on the website will be used subject to our privacy policy for the sole purpose of assisting with your enquiry and providing general information only.

Disclaimer for Directory Listings

We are not responsible for the actions of users of our directory, whether that use is authorised under these terms or not. We cannot be held responsible for monitoring access to or use of our directory as it is made available online to the general public.

All warranties, guarantees and claims are between you as the provider of the services and your client directly.

All responsibility for the client and the client relationship remains with you as the service provider.

We do not provide any guarantee regarding number of clients, traffic or visitors to your business, or your business’ website.

You must have and maintain your own business intake practises, record-keeping, payment and insurances in place to receive any new clients generated through our website and directory.

Aussie Farm Stays remains an external third party regarding you and your client and will not be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever incurred or suffered by you as the provider or the client for any services, activities and agreements between you and the client.
